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Jaldee Health – Experience seamless healthcare that engages, optimizes outcomes!
Traditional paper-based health records have been highly relied on and utilised by the Indian healthcare system. The long clutter of paperwork, the enormous time spent on it and the inconvenient aspects of this traditional approach created a ruckus among the healthcare professionals as well as the staff. It is high time to ditch these fragmented and prone-to-loss methods and accept the transformative power of Digital Health Records.
Imagine a situation where the entire medical history of your patients flows seamlessly to you and is accessible to authorised healthcare providers anytime and anywhere. Digital Health Records makes this imagination a reality with the best innovative solutions. The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission or ABDM is a successful venture initiated by the Indian government to create a unified digital health infrastructure benefitting both healthcare professionals as well as patients.
How are Digital Health Records Important in India?
Understanding the benefits of Digital Health Records is significant for the healthcare system in India to navigate the landscape successfully.
Enhanced Diagnosis and Treatment:
The detailed info regarding the medical history, allergies, medications and past diagnosis of the patient helps doctors to make faster and more accurate diagnoses. The info also helps them to make better treatment plans and improve patient outcomes. Likewise, the patients feel reliability, trust and confidence to show up again to the doctor who offered a seamless patient journey to them.
Improved Continuity of Care & Reduced Cost:
Digital Health Records avoids the arduous task of searching for old medical records. The continuity of care assured with the readily available medical info and records with the visit of patients generates a satisfying experience.
The elimination of paper-based storing of medical info saves both time and cost for clinics or hospitals. The confusion and the overload of work for the administrative staff can also be reduced and transformed to devoting more care and attention to patients offering a holistic experience.
Empowerment of Patients:
Digital Health Records offer improved significance to patients and put them in control of their health data. They can easily access their records and share them securely with authorised personnel without the worries of security breaches. It also helps them to actively participate in healthcare decisions.
Major Developments in India’s Digital Health Records Journey
ABDM has revolutionised the way the healthcare sector functions in India. Over 330 million records have been digitised in India over the years suggesting the rapid digitisation and shift towards paperless healthcare. The unique health ID created with the UHI(Unique Health Interface) links the medical records with different healthcare providers and offers a unique experience. The ABDM initiative has been actively accepted all over India and the leading hospitals have integrated digital health records into their system reflecting the strong dedication towards digital health in India.
Challenges and the Road Ahead
Even though the digital health record journey of India is promising, there are certain challenges to overcome.
The struggles due to the digital divide such as unequal access to the internet and digital literacy hurdles especially in the rural areas make it even complex. The integration and adaptation of medical info should be done with efficient data security promising data privacy. This also poses the question of data formats and the seamless data exchange of information across different healthcare IT systems.
The Role of Jaldee in a DHR-driven Future
Jaldee Health CRM software plays a significant role in shaping the Digital Health Records revolution. Our effective patient engagement tools empower us to manage their health data. The easy integration with ABDM’s framework allows patients to access and share their health records with Jaldee Health CRM software.
The growth in the healthcare sector and the embracing of digital solutions ensures better healthcare delivery, empowers patients and optimises healthcare resource utilization. The collective effort with government initiatives like ABDM blended with the innovative solutions of Jaldee Healthcare CRM software paves the way for a healthier future for all Indians. Remember, a healthier India starts with a smarter healthcare system. Let’s be a part of the best solution for the Indian healthcare sector.
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